Our only pair of townlands within Comber Parish, Ballyhenry Major & Minor are just North of Comber town. The Major stands at 305 acres while Ballyhenry Minor is significantly smaller with only 119 acres, which is reflected in their names with Baile Héinrí Mór & Baile Héinrí Beag literally translating as Henry's Big Townland & Henry's Small Townland.

In Ballyhenry Major there was few sites of historic interest, with the unlisted Ballyhenry House noted that while the origins of the building are pre-1834 it has been largely modernised and most original features are missing. Also missing in Ballyhenry Major are any archaeological sites, with two AP (Aerial Photography) sites identified of a potential enclosure and rath but neither has yet been investigated [DOW010:098 & DOW010:106].

Alternatively in Ballyhenry Minor there have been a number of archaeological sites and features identified during archaeological excavations as part of the construction of Moorfield Avenue in 2016. This archaeological monitoring report which runs for 158 pages identifies a number of archaeological features of interest from the Bronze Age (2500-500BC) through to the Early Medieval (400-1100AD).