Ballymagaughey out the Ballygowan Road side of Comber, is one of the smallest townlands in Comber Parish, coming in at only 76.8 acres or 0.12 square miles, with Ballymagaughey or Baile Mhig Eacháin translating to 'McGaughey's Townland'.
As the townland is so small it is no wonder there are no archaeological sites or listed buildings within the boundaries of the townland. However, W. Reeves who wrote Ecclesiastical Antiquities of Down, Connor & Dromore (Dublin 1847) identifies Ballymagaughey with the "the church of Balimacgrehan" listed in the taxation of Pope Nicholas in 1306 (DOW010:060).
As Reeves states;
Balimacgehan- Now Ballymagaughey,or, as it is marked on Williamson's map, Ballymageehan, a townland in the parish of Comber Ord. Survey. At the Dissolution, the rectory of Ballymakeaghan, embracing the nine townlands which form the S. E. portion of the modern parish of Comber, was appropriate to the abbey of Comber. All traces of the church have disappeared.
As Reeves states the church had completely disappeared, with it's exact location still unknown today, with the Heritage and Monument Record entry stating "Most of the townland appears to be owned by one family who know nothing of a church or graveyard, and nor does the stockman who has ploughed much of the land".