Robert Bennett
It is with deep regret that I must inform you of the death of Robert Bennett on 19th October 2021 he died peacefully in hospital.
31st January 1947 to 19th October 2021
The Comber Historical Society extend our deepest condolences to Jackie his beloved wife and family. Claire, Paul and Caroline
A resident of Waddels Hill, Comber Co Down. Robert was the Chairperson of the Comber Historical Society. He was also an International Judge of all things avian and travelled widely in the USA because of his expert knowledge of all birds. He was popular round Comber and District and was a member of the Horticural Society and the Comber Regeneration Society. He was a hive of industry, was a real character often seen about town working and involved in local affairs.
The Funeral Service was held on Monday 25th October at 10.00am in Second Presbyterian Church, Killinchy Street, Comber, BT23 5AP. During the Service of Thanksgiving for the life of Robert the following hymns were sung "The Lord's my Shepherd" and "Abide with me" The service was conducted by the Rev Alan Johnston followed by burial in Comber Cemetery.
The Church was filled to capacity the limit being under current Covid-19 regulations. This demonstrated the love, respect and esteem that the entire community had for Robert. He will be sadly missed by those who knew him.
The family requested Family flowers only. Donations in memory, if desired, to Cancer Research NI or Home Start c/o Gilmore Funeral Directors Ltd., 13 The Square, Comber BT23 5DX Tel 02891 872949.